Given the limitations of flights to Dale and my final coaching destination in the west of Mongolia, we enjoyed an additional day here in Ulaanbaatar and made good use of the time working through current issues and challenges of MOCCU. We were able to revisit the strategic plan to reinforce its relevance and to better understand how current activities align with Goals and Strategies. Through discussion on the format and emphasis of a funding proposal document which is in progress, we talked about the need to be clear on the funding request and mechanisms to tailor the proposal to best align with funder objectives.
The resident Peace Corps volunteer, Todd, who is working with MOCCU for his 2 year assignment in Mongolia, presented a draft proposal of the primary project which he has developed. This would be his major project under the Peace Corps assignment and the proposal will form the basis of seeking funding support up to $10,000 from the US Peace Corp. Todd has spent the previous year familiarizing himself with the country, customs and issues of the credit union sector in Mongolia. The project is a creative approach to address several gaps including funding, the reputation of credit unions in Mongolia and general awareness of credit unions as a viable banking option for Mongolians. The development of a communications tool to be issued twice annually is intended to convey information, critical sector events and will reinforce the role and value of MOCCU as the National organization for credit unions in Mongolia. This project is consistent with, and Todd confirms that it was informed by, a key component of the recommendations made by CCA coaches last fall.
Clearly one of the key issues at play for MOCCU is the emerging credit union legislation in Mongolia and being prepared to address the establishment of protocols, policies and practices across the sector once the legislation is approved. All bets seem to be on approval of the legislation by the Mongolian parliament later this year – we’ll wait and see. Once approved, there is a pending project with significant backing by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to assist with policy development, training support and financial literacy training to support transition to the new legislative environment.
The evening permitted a visit to the Mongolian National Song & Dance Academic Ensemble presentation of traditional music and dance of Mongolia. The full Mongolian National orchestra was performing and presented a formidable array and diversity of music from traditional Horsehead fiddle (Morin Huur) songs to western classical music and even a rendition of Queen’s We Are the Champions! All this interspersed with warrior dances, traditional folk dancing, a contortionist and the unique and absorbing throat singing unique to Mongolia. Overall a beautiful and moving performance.
-- Scott Hughes
-- Scott Hughes
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